
Join us for the Alzheimer’s Aid Society 22nd annual charity golf tournament on Friday, October 10, 2025 at Sun City Timber Creek Golf Club in Roseville, California.  If you don’t golf, please join us for dinner and see old friends and make new ones!

Instructions: Please print the registration form and submit it to

Instructions:  Please review the above documents so that you know what to expect at our tournament. You can print them out as well.

Instructions: This button will take you to the list of sponsorship opportunities. At the bottom of that page, the button will take you to the first of two sponsorship pages where you can pay online for your selected sponsorships. If you do not like to pay online, please print this Sponsorship Agreement Page and submit your request it to the Alzheimer’s Aid Society of Northern California so that it can be paid by credit card or a check that you mail to them. The instructions are on the second page of the document.

Coming Soon

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In order to be in attendance of our sold-out event please make sure to reserve your spot for Linnear.  

Instructions: If you plan to just join us for Linner (Lunch/Dinner) but will not be playing golf, you may use this button to register and purchase your Linner.

  • Hole In One Prize
  • Best Vendor Prize
  • 1st and 2nd Place team finishers
  • Men’s & Women’s Longest Drive
  • Men’s & Women’s Closest to the Pin
  • Putting Contest Prize

Please join us for a fun-filled day of golf benefiting the Alzheimer’s Aid Society of Northern California. The funds raised by this annual event are used to continue services to the community.

We provide a safe place for caregivers to share, cry, laugh, and learn. They will realize that they are NOT alone.
Our Peer Counselors provide a safe place for real support for both the practical and the personal elements of a crisis or transition, or for a time when the caregiver just can’t cope. They understand the challenges and worries. Our volunteers listen, talk, and offer confidential support.
There are financial and legal decisions that must be completed before Alzheimer’s steals a loved one’s sound judgement. Before that happens, families have hard decisions to make and legal documents to prepare. We offer free legal elderly consultation.
At the beginning of every story of dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease is fear. “A Practical Guide for Alzheimer’s Caregivers”, or “THE BLUE BOOK”, is your resource to answer the question, “What now?”

  • Title Sponsor – $5,000
  • Golf Cart Sponsor – $3,500
  • Reception Sponsor – $3,000
  • Liquor Bar Sponsor – $2,000
  • Coctail Cart Sponsor – $1,500
  • Golf Ball Sponsor – $1,000
  • Swag Sponsor – $1,000
  • Beer/Wine Hole Sponsors – $850 (4)   
  • Cannon Sponsor – $800
  • Hole in One Sponsor – $750
  • Putting Contest Sponsor – $750
  • Food & Beverage Hole Sponsor – $650 (14) 
  • Breakfast Sponsor – $650
  • Closest to the Pin Sponsors – $450
  • Longest Drive Sponsors – $450
  • Bloody Mary Sponsor – $400

  • $160 per golfer, or $590 per foursome, if paid prior to July 1st 2025
    2 or more paid foursome, $550 each foursome
  • $185 per golfer, or $690 per foursome, if paid after July 1st 2025
    Reception Guest $40

The Alzheimer’s Aid Society is offering a unique opportunity for you to promote your organization while supporting a very worthy local cause.

This sponsorship will allow you to be positioned on the golf course to promote and distribute information about your business to the golfers during play at our 22nd Annual Golf Tournament at Timber Creek Golf Club. As a Food/Beverage Hole Sponsor, you will supply food and/or non-alcoholic drink for the golfers and designated promotional items for the golf swag bag.

  • Please plan for 144 golfers
  • Set-up starts at 7:00am complete by 8:30am
  • Play will continue through approximately 3:00pm
  • Banquet, Drinks, Awards, Silent Auction to Follow
  • All items need to be removed from the golf course that day at the conclusion of golf.
  • Title Sponsor – Oakmont Senior Living & Ivy Living
  • Golf Cart Sponsor – The Park at Laguna Springs
  • Banquet Sponsor – Longbridge Financial
  • Welcome & Turn Sponsor – Bruceville Point
  • Hole in One Sponsor – Aegis Living Carmichael
  • Putting Contest Sponsor – Prairie City Landing
  • Cannon Sponsor – Ansel Park Assisted Living
  • Longest Drive Sponsor (Men’s & Women’s) – First Call Hospice